About me
I am Cristóbal, a Chilean currently based in Leuven, Belgium. I hold a Bachelor of Science in Biology from the University of Chile, a Master's in Neuroscience from the Austral University of Chile, and a PhD in Cell Biology and Biomedicine from San Sebastián University. I am currently a junior postdoctoral researcher at KU Leuven, specializing in cell biology with a focus on membrane-protein trafficking, cellular homeostasis, and cell-to-cell communication.
Throughout my scientific career, I have published several papers as both principal author and collaborator. I have contributed as a reviewer for the Journal of Extracellular Vesicles and the Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences journal. I have also taught biochemistry courses and delivered lectures on my research topics. Additionally, I have presented at numerous scientific conferences, organized scientific meetings, and actively participated in science communication initiatives, including the EXPLORA program in Chile, practical workshops at public schools, and outreach talks for non-specialist audiences. Currently, I serve as the event manager for the Student Network on Extracellular Vesicles and as a member of the International Organizing Committee for the ISEV Annual Meeting 2025.
Parallel to my academic career, I developed a passion for photography, initially focusing on digital photography. During the pandemic, I found myself seeking an escape from the immediacy of digital media and began exploring analog photography. This shift allowed me to slow down, experiment, and refine my creative vision. On my photographies, I am capturing moments, atmospheres, abstract perspective that reflect my unique vision and evolving style.
Short CV
Cristóbal Andrés Cerda Troncoso is a Chilean scientist specializing in cell biology and biomedicine. He obtained his PhD in Cell Biology and Biomedicine from Universidad San Sebastián, Chile, in 2022, after completing a Master's in Neuroscience at Universidad Austral de Chile in 2017 and a Bachelor's in Biology from Universidad de Chile in 2015. His academic training has been complemented by international research experiences, including an internship at the Institut Curie in Paris, where he studied molecular mechanisms of intracellular transport.
Currently, Cristóbal is a Postdoctoral Fellow at KU Leuven in Belgium, where he focuses on the cellular mechanisms underlying secretory autophagy, extracellular vesicles, and their role in cancer. His work integrates advanced molecular biology techniques and collaborative efforts with international research teams.
Throughout his career, Cristóbal has actively contributed to academia, teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in cell biology, molecular biology, and biochemistry at universities in Chile and Belgium. Additionally, he has played a significant role in organizing scientific meetings such as the ISEV annual meeting 2025, and promoting science communication initiatives, such as virtual and augmented reality projects for education.
Cristóbal is an active member of several scientific societies, including the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV) and the Chilean Society for Cell Biology (SBCCH). Currently, he works at Student Network on EVs as the event manager. His commitment to advancing scientific knowledge and fostering collaboration has earned him recognition through scholarships and travel grants, enabling him to present his research at prestigious international conferences.
Cristóbal Andrés Cerda Troncoso es un científico chileno especializado en biología celular y biomedicina. Obtuvo su doctorado en Biología Celular y Biomedicina en la Universidad San Sebastián, Chile, en 2022, tras completar un magíster en Neurociencia en la Universidad Austral de Chile en 2017 y una licenciatura en Biología en la Universidad de Chile en 2015. Su formación académica se ha complementado con experiencias internacionales de investigación, incluyendo una pasantía en el Institut Curie de París, donde estudió los mecanismos moleculares del transporte intracelular.
Actualmente, Cristóbal es investigador postdoctoral en la KU Leuven, Bélgica, donde se enfoca en los mecanismos celulares relacionados con la autofagia secretora, las vesículas extracelulares y su papel en el cáncer. Su trabajo combina técnicas avanzadas de biología molecular y esfuerzos colaborativos con equipos de investigación internacionales.
A lo largo de su carrera, Cristóbal ha contribuido activamente en la academia, impartiendo cursos de pregrado y posgrado en biología celular, biología molecular y bioquímica en universidades de Chile y Bélgica. Además, ha desempeñado un papel destacado en la organización de reuniones científicas, como el encuentro anual de ISEV 2025, y en la promoción de iniciativas de divulgación científica, tales como proyectos de realidad virtual y aumentada aplicados a la educación.
Cristóbal es miembro activo de varias sociedades científicas, incluyendo la Sociedad Internacional de Vesículas Extracelulares (ISEV) y la Sociedad Chilena de Biología Celular (SBCCH). Actualmente, trabaja en la Student Network on EVs como gerente de eventos. Su compromiso con el avance del conocimiento científico y la promoción de la colaboración le ha valido reconocimientos, como becas y fondos de viaje, que le han permitido presentar su investigación en prestigiosas conferencias internacionales.